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Getting to know about your subdivision.  
Beaver Glen was established in 1973.  The homes were built on land that was once owned by the Wilkenson family, including the lake.  McGlamery Properties started clearing and dividing the lots for homes and leaving wooded areas for walking and biking paths, that are now the green spaces.
Beaver Glen grew to 203 lots for sale, with the final homes built in the 1980s.  The name was originally Leisure Lake but changed once McGlamery Properties had sold out.  Beaver Glen was the most exclusive neighborhood in the 70s & 80s.

Beaver Glen Homeowner's Association has a committee formed and working on updating and replacing the existing covenants to more clear and consistent rules and regulations.  The current committee is formed and plans on having the covenants ready for review and vote by the end of 2024.  

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