Beaver Glen Homeowner's Association meets every month on the 4th Monday of the month. The meeting is held at 7pm at the Clubhouse. The Public is invited to attend any open meetings. If you have any problems, questions, or concerns, please email them to beaverglenassociation@gmail.com so your item can be put on the agenda for proper allotment of time.
Beaver Glen has a Facebook page-Beaver Glen Neighborhood Watch. You can find the latest information on this page. You can share comments, alerts, events, etc. on this page as well. Only homeowners and their families are allowed to be members of this group.
You can also check this page, beaverglen.com for information and updates.
Beaver Glen has 198 homes and 104 lots. The green space behind the homes is part of the BGHOA property along with the pool, park, clubhouse and recreation center. There are also green spaces on International Blvd, Lake Front and Beaver Run. Those spaces are maintained by BGHOA.
The park area remains open all year long until dark. We have basketball courts, tennis courts that convert to pickleball courts. We are currently exploring upgrades to the lighting and court areas. The swimming pool opens on Memorial Day each summer and closes Labor Day or shortly after, depending on the weather. If you live in Beaver Glen, you will be issued an electronic card to enter the pool. This card is for your family's use only. You are allowed to bring guests with you present. See pool rules on the Pool Page.
Fireworks, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are not allowed in the park and pool area.
Parking on the streets is prohibited, and towing will be done at owner's expense.
Homeowners are expected to pay the annual assessment fees and follow the covenants provided to you at the sale to you. Changes to your home and property must be approved by the Architectural Committee.
​ Helpful Links:
Trash Services: www.houstoncountyga.org/business/solid-waste-collections.cms
Water & Sewage: www.houstoncountyga.org/business/water.cms
Electric Services: www.flintenergies.com
Trash pickup is on Thursday every week. There is no trash pickup on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Christmas, Labor Day and Thanksgiving, Trash must be left in the containers on or near the street or driveway and must be in the containers supplied by GLF. (the contracted company) All debris and trash should be put out the night before pick up and containers moved on Thursday. No big items, furniture, boxes, mattresses, etc are to be left curbside prior to next day pick up. ​
Ashley Harden
Vice President:
Patti King
Erica Esser
Linda Curry
Architecture Approval:
Covenants Compliance:
Pool Monitoring and Supervision:
Dan Vickers
​New Covenants Committee:
Linda Curry
Welcoming Committee:
Rhonda Carpenter
Clubhouse Reservations:
Rhonda Carpenter
Business Administrator:
Rhonda Carpenter
Social Events:
Janine Lehmiller
Security, WiFi & Cameras:
Dan Vickers
Green Belt/Trees
Neighborhood Watch Committee:
​To Be Added Soon